Christmas and New Year
- Details
- Mark Peterson
- Scripts Since 2007
Style: Lighthearted style. Duration :35 to 45 minutes.
Actors: N, 5M, 2F.
- Details
- Susan Walton
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: How the Christmas story might read if written from a modern consumerism perspective. (With apologies to Dr. Luke, who could not be contacted at time of publication. Copyright privileges are therefore waived. Similarities between this sketch and part of his work is entirely deliberate). Keywords: Christmas, consumerism.
Style: Lighthearted Duration: 3min
Actors: 1N
- Details
- Valerie Klaus
- Scripts Since 2007
Summary: How do children view the Christmas story when it’s first heard. Mary, new to the church asks questions that give us a unique view. This is a skit within a skit and has very simple sets. Keywords: Nativity play, Christmas, Children.
Style: Drama.
Duration: 15-20min
Actors: 1M/F, 9C
Scripture Reference: Luke 2, Matthew 2