Boundary stones

By Dorothy Kraljev


Stones were used to mark the boundaries of people’s farms. God had given each family a farm when the land was conquered in Joshua’s day. Some people moved stones to get some of their neighbor’s land because they were not satisfied with what God had given them. The proverb reminds us not to take what belongs to others, but to thank God for what we have.


Proverbs 22 :28 


Corina (1st neighbor)
JR (2nd neighbor)


Narrator: Stones were used to mark the boundaries of people’s farms. God had given each family a farm when the land was conquered in Joshua’s day. Some people moved stones to get some of their neighbor’s land because they were not satisfied with what God had given them.

Corina : (has his land and starts making his land boundaries larger to steal from his neighbor) Perhaps you say you “love” to swim, or love to eat a lot, or maybe, “love” to sing and dance, or “love” new clothes you’ve bought.

JR: (Fights w/his neighbor because his boundaries are getting smaller. ) It isn’t wrong to love these things, but love means much, much more. God wanted us to know just what true love was fashioned for.

Rashad : Both children have enough space but are just being greedy.

Tatanya : So, he inspired the Apostle Paul (who preached the world around) to write about the word called love; and here is what he found :

Chasity : If you could speak all languages from every land quite well, without the love of Christ in you, you’re but a clanking bell. Or, if you spoke like angels do in soft, mysterious voices, your words without the gift of love are only jingling noises.

FE FE : (Tells what he has to be thankful for. Health, family, food on the table, and a roof over his head. ) Love isn’t jealous, stingy, proud; it’s never mean or rude. It won’t tell others what you’ve done or look for gratitude.

JR : And even when it is abused, it’s hard to make love mad. when good and evil are the choice, love doesn’t choose the bad.

FE FE : (Also asks for God’s forgiveness and invites the neighbor for dinner. ) These kinds of things may well be good, but they aren’t really love; fore love is special, something more - it comes from God above at the dinner table the children discuss the greatest gift we can be thankful for is love.

FE FE : God gave his love by sending down his son to suffer for us. He shows his love more every day; he never will ignore us.

JR : And, just as he loved us, he asked us all to love each other. He asked us, please love everyone as sisters and as brothers.

Corina : Three special gifts - faith, hope and love - come straight from God above. Both faith and hope are great. However, God’s greatest gift is love.

© Copyright Dorothy Kraljev, all rights reserved.
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