What Did I Do?

by Joanne Miller


A woman, who is an amateur actress, tells an absorbed co-worker that she got a part playing an abused wife who divorces her husband.  Suddenly all kinds of rumors are flying at work, most of them untrue, about abuse, beatings, and even attempted murder.


Anna – amateur actress
Tom  - absorbed co-worker
Sue  - gossipy co-worker
Tara – rumor loving co-worker
Jim  - concerned co-worker


(Scene opens with Tom at work (obviously very busy) behind a desk.  Anna enters.)

Anna: Tom, guess what!

Tom: (Distracted) What?

Anna: Remember that play I told you I was auditioning for?  I got the part!

Tom: Great!

Anna: I get to play the leading lady!  It’s very tragic.  (Anna plays this to the hilt) I get a divorce from a verbally and physically abusive husband who ends up being obsessed with getting me back.

Tom: That’s too bad.

Anna: He sends me cards that read, “to my darling wife from your ever-loving husband”.  He sends me expensive gifts with the date of our wedding engraved on them.  He invites me on romantic cruises.  Of course, I don’t go.  He’s a real nut case!

Tom: Sounds like it.

Anna: I’ve got to go tell Mary Ann.  See you later.

Tom: Bye.

(Sue enters.)

Sue: Hi, Tom.  Have you seen Anna?

Tom: Yeah, she just left.

Sue: Did she say anything?

Tom: Yeah.  She said she was getting a divorce.

Sue: A divorce!  From Ricky?

Tom: Is that her husband?

Sue: Of course he’s her husband.  You were at the wedding, too.

Tom: Then I guess that must be whom she’s getting a divorce from.

Sue: But why would they be getting divorced?  They’ve only been married for five months!

Tom: (Still concentrating on his work) She said something about him being abusive and obsessive.  He wants to get her on a cruise ship and push her overboard or something.

Sue: You’re joking!

Tom: I’m just telling you what she said.

Sue: I can’t believe this.

(Tara enters.)

Tara: Can’t believe what?

Sue: Anna and Ricky are getting a divorce.

Tara: You can’t be serious.

Sue: Anna said that Ricky beats her and he’s so jealous that she can’t even walk out the door without his consent.

Tara: Ricky?  That doesn’t sound like him.

Sue: That’s what I thought, but Anna was the one who said it so it must be true.  He even tried to drown her by pushing her overboard from a cruise ship.

Tara: Oh my gosh!  He’s so quiet and shy.  I guess that’s the type you have to watch out for.

Sue: I’ve got to go and find her.  She must be so upset.  Did she seem really upset, Tom?

Tom: (Paying no attention) Who?

Sue: ANNA!  Was she really upset?

Tom: I guess so.  She practically RAN out of here.

Sue: I’ve got to find her.  (Exits)

(Jim enters.)

Jim: Who is she looking for?

Tara: Anna.  Have you seen her?

Jim: No.  Is anything wrong?

Tara: Yes, it sure is.  Anna and Ricky are getting a divorce because he beats her, yells at her, and calls her names.

Jim: Really?

Tara: Not only that but the only time she’s allowed to leave the house is to come to work.

Jim: That’s awful.

Tara: It sure is.  She’s a prisoner in her own home!

Jim: I can’t blame her then for wanting a divorce.

Tara: That’s not the worst part.

Jim: It’s not?

Tara: He tried to drown her when they were on a cruise ship for their honeymoon.

Jim: Are you serious?

Tara: I wouldn’t kid you about something like that.

(Anna re-enters.)

Anna: Something like what?

(Tara puts arms around Anna.)

Tara: Oh, Anna, I’m so sorry to hear about all the trouble.

Anna: All what trouble?

(Sue rushes in.)

Sue: Here you are, Anna!  I’ve been looking all over for you.  Oh, you poor thing!

Anna: What’s going on?  Why are you sorry for me?

Tara:  Because you and Ricky are getting divorced.

Anna: What?

Tara: Yes, and we know how he beats you.

Sue: And how he tried to drown you.

Anna: Are you crazy?   Ricky’s a wonderful husband.

Jim: He is?

Anna: Yes, he is and he doesn’t beat me.

Jim: He doesn’t?

Anna: No!  And he certainly wouldn’t try to drown me!

Sue: He wouldn’t?

Anna: Of course not.  Whatever gave you such ideas?

Sue: He did! (She points to Tom.  All turn questioningly to him.)

Tom: (Finally pays full attention) What?  What did I do?


Copyright John & Joanne Miller, all rights reserved.
This script may be performed free of charge, provided no charge is made for entrance or for programmes. In return, the authors would like to be notified of any performance. For further information regarding performance rights, they may be contacted at: joannesmiller65@gmail.com.