Waiting for Redman

By Paul Clark


A modernised interpretation of Jacob's meeting with Esau. An event that forced Jacob to face and wrestle with his demons before God and which I think finally led him to faith in God. We too may need to wrestle with God over those we need to be reconciled with and ask for forgiveness from. Inspired from a sermon by Rev. Nerida Drake.


Genesis 32 & 33.




(Scene: Two-face is sitting watching TV in his share house when his flat mates come home with some disturbing news.)
Jack: (Enters, pleased with his news) Hey Two-face, guess who I just saw in town? Red your brother.
Two-face: (A bit disturbed but hiding it) So?
Jack: Thought you'd like to know so you can run and hide like last time.
Two-face: Hey I didn't run and hide. I just went away for a while, that's all.
Jack: Like I said, run and hide! (Sitting down)
Steve: (Enters, to Two-face) Hey, you’ll never guess who I just ran into down the pub. Your brother! I didn’t know you had a brother. (Sitting down) Mate is he keen to see you. Is he a boxer of something? Pretty buff!
Jack: I’ve heard he’s been in training all these years to get back at a bloke who double crossed him.
Steve: Wouldn’t like to be that poor sod.
Two-face: You didn’t tell him our phone number or anything.
Steve: What sort of friend do you take me for? I mean he’s your brother, I invited him around!
Two-face: (Stands up, starting to worry, pacing the room) Oh no!
Steve: What did I do?
Jack: You just dobbed in the poor sod!
Steve: Don’t tell me. Two-face you idiot, double crossed your own brother! Now don’t worry, I didn’t think you’d be in till morning. You’ve got plenty of time to skip town.
Jack: Yeah, boork, boork (chicken noises)
Two-face: (Two-face has grabbed a cricket bat and is wringing the handle with worry) I don’t know this time. I’ve been running for too long.
Steve: (To Jack) What did he do anyway?
Jack: This fool played favourites with his parents. Played his mother against his father to get what he wanted. When his father finally carked it, stole off with the stuff that should have been his brothers.
Steve: Corr!
Two-face: It wasn’t like that, I won it fair and square in a bet.
Jack: Yeah, the sort of bet you have when the other bloke thinks you’re joking!
Steve: Mate, Two-face. I thought some of your business scams were a bit oily, but that one takes the cake.
Jack: Where do you think he got his nick-name. It might as well be his birth name, Two-faced!
Steve: No wonder his brother’s seeing red, he, he. Get it, red, his brother's name.
Jack: Stay off the humour Steve, leave that to me.
Two-face: What am I gonna do?
Jack: Run like always. We’ll look after your stuff!
Two-face: I’m tired of running.
Jack: Should have thought about that before you started ripping people off.
Two-face: (Looks at his bat, has an idea) Steve, can you do me a favour mate?
Steve: Sure. I’ll look after you bat while you’re gone. (Stands up and takes the bat)
Two-face: No, I want you to take it, take it back to the pub where you saw my brother and give it to him as a gift, from me.
Jack: (Standing to his feet, grabbing the bat) Whoa, hold it, hold it. Time out here. No way man. This is your ashes bat. Signed by both teams after the 2003 ashes tour. You can’t give this away. You won this fair and square at that cock fight, I was there. (Looking at the bat) Who would have thought Phil Tuffnell would have captained England?
Two-face: I’m sorry Jack. (Takes the bat and gives it back to Steve) This is the only way. Take it Steve.
Steve: If you say so. (Steve leaves)
Two-face: And Jack, take this to my brother (Hands him a war medal)
Jack: (Doesn’t take it, hands up defensively) No way man. This is what started all this. I don’t want to get involved. Why did you steal your old man’s war medals in the first place.
Two-face: You’re right. I stole them. I’ve been living a lie all these years. These were my father’s prized possessions. They meant everything to him. So much pain and suffering. They were who he was. He wanted his name to live on through them, through his son. His perfect son. I never matched up. Couldn’t hunt or dig. It wasn’t my fault I was better at business, corporate work. But my old man was blue collar through and through.  I think it’s time I did the one thing that would make my father proud. Get my life and his family back together.
Jack: You can’t buy your way out of this one.
Two-face: I just need to buy some time. Time to think. Think and pray.
Jack: Pray? You must be serious. Or going bonkers.
Two-face: I don’t think I’ve ever been more serious. But I’m new at this; honesty.
Jack: (Taking the medal) Sure mate. I’ll do it. I’ll take this to him. Don’t know what I’ll say, but I’ll think of something.
Two-face: Thanks mate (Jack leaves. Two-face falls to his knees.) Hey God. If you’re up there. The one my father used to pray to. I can’t even remember your name. Hey, I need you. I’m lost, broken. I don’t know what to do. My life’s a mess. One scam after another. One broken deal after another. Gee, I’ve hurt a lot of people along the way.  What about my family? My parents? I think they both died of broken hearts ‘cause of me. I don’t know what to do. My brother’s going to kill me. My friend’s right, I only know how to buy my way out, but not this time, not with Red. I’ve heard that your way is forgiveness, but I can’t even forgive myself. How would Red ever do it. I can’t even ask, don’t even know why you’re listening. What was your name?
Sound effects: a storm with rain, wind, lightening and thunder.
Two-face: Take me, God. Kill me. Do it with Red. It doesn’t matter any more. I deserve to die, the way I’ve lived, the way I’ve treated people. But if you let me live I’ll change my ways. I’ll serve you always. Get my life straightened out. Patch up things with all those people. All those people! I’ll live like my old man, for the benefit of others, not for myself any more. Either way I’m a dead man. Do you hear me God? Do you?  Ha! Listen to me. Trying to bargain with God. Take me God. I’m yours. Can you hear me? Can you? Are you for real? Touch me. Send me a sign so I’ll know. I’m not going away. I’m here God. Broken but willing. You better take me Lord or you’re never going to get any peace. You think this storm scares me! Arghhhh! (Falls to the ground)  Oh my hip (Trying to get up). What happened? It’s out of joint. (Jolts his body as if getting it back in) Arghh. Man, when I asked for a touch Lord I didn’t mean that hard!

 (The storm has gone and it’s morning.)
Steve: (Enters, sheepishly) Man, what a storm last night.
Two-face: I’ll say.
Steve: Urm, there’s someone here to see you. (In comes Red, looking big and mean)
Two-face: Redman.
Redman: What’s the big idea behind this cricket bat, and Dad’s medals? (Showing them).
Two-face: You can have the cricket bat. But you deserve the medal. You are the one who has done dad proud.
Redman: Rubbish.
Two-face: Look I’m sorry Bro, for the mess I’ve made of things.
Redman: (Taking Two-face in his arms and giving him an affectionate headlock.) Come here you big boof. I’ve forgiven you for all that. Wasn’t going to let that spoil my life. I own half of South Australia. Since they discovered the remedial benefits of rabbit meat I’ve become a multi millionaire. Even have the original of that cricket bat, not a dodgy copy.
Two-face: It’s a copy?
Redman: Mark Waugh - W A R? Come on.
Two-face: Then you forgive me?
Redman: Yeah. Don’t you remember anything from those old Bible stories Dad used to tell us? (Two-face shakes his head no) Always plotting, never listening, Victor.
Steve: Victor?
Two-face: My real name.
Redman: Come on then Bro, let’s go have a beer together, for old times sake.
Two-face: Sure thing (They start to leave).
Redman: You know, I think you’re starting to do Dad proud, all this forgiveness.
Two-face: Maybe.
Redman: And I bet you’ve forgotten something else.
Two-face: What?
Redman: His name is Jesus. (They exit)


© Paul Clark 2002. All rights reserved. For use at not for profit events only. You can use the drama for free but please e-mail and let me know…   paul&bec@dovenetq.net.au   and announce that I wrote it. Also I ask that if you perform this drama and it really hits the spot, it really clicks with what the Spirit is doing, you might send me a small donation to live off. Check out my web site for more stuff  www.dovenetq.net.au/~paul&bec