The Leper (A Monologue)

By Barbara Tarro


A monologue from the perspective of the one leper who sought out Jesus to give Him thanks.


Luke 17:12


Leper (Female)


A black robe covering both body and face much as the lepers may have appeared in Jesus' day.


LEPER: The saddest day of my life was the day I left everything I knew and loved, walked through the gates of my village, and up the Hill of the Lepers.
It was becoming difficult for me to remember just how long ago that had been now, and the faces of my family were beginning to fade from my mind.
The only joy I had was when my Rachel would come to the bottom of the hill with provisions for me.  We would wave a greeting and I would cry.  She was so near and yet so far.  Never again would I hold her.  Never again would I tie up a lunch in a napkin for my husband and see him walk off into the fields.
No, this was my family now.  Thankfully, we were few.  And I was better off than most of them, so I busied myself each day, caring for the others, and cooking.
One day as I was stirring the porridge by the fire, I heard a faint sound. I walked to the precipice and could see at the base of the hill, a group of men.  I could tell they were in a discussion.  Soon I saw one of them leave the group and begin to ascend up the path of The Hill.
How sad, I thought.  Another poor soul, joining the ranks of the living dead.
But as He approached, I could see He wasn't one of us.  He was strong and healthy. He had the bloom of youth on His cheeks.
"Unclean," I shouted.  "Go back.  We are of The Unclean!"
I know He heard me, and yet He never hesitated but continued to the top of the hill.
I, being the only woman, kept my distance and drew back into the trees to watch.  One by one, He spoke to the men.  When He began to speak to Micah, I could hear Micah say, "If You will, You can heal me.."
What was happening?  Who was this young man, I wondered.  Just as I whispered, He turned and looked my way.   As He walked toward me, I saw in His kind eyes with care and compassion.  And then as He reached out to me, I fainted away - or I think I did.  Whether a moment, an hour, or a day - I didn't know.  I only knew that when I came to myself, all was quiet and everyone was gone - except for one of the old men who seemed to be walking in circles.
"Where is everyone?"  I asked.
"They're gone!" he said.
"Gone?  Gone where?  Where could they go?  I asked.
"They've gone home," he said.
"Home?  How could they go home?" I asked.
"They could go home because Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, healed us all!"
"Healed us all?  Healed us all?"  I looked at my hands; I felt the flesh on my face.  "I'm healed!  I'm whole again!"
"Where did Jesus go?" I asked.
"He went on to the next village," he said.
I covered my head and began to run down the hill.
"Where are you going," he called.  "Your village is 'that' way," he said, pointing to the opposite path.
"I know," I said, "but I have to find Him."
Down the Cursed Hill I ran with strength I hadn't known in years-toward the next village.  On the road, I met a shepherd.  "Did you see a group of men pass this way?" I asked.
"Yes, I did," he said, "but it's been some time now, so if you wish to find them, you'd better make haste."
Faster I ran until I came to the city.  I caught an old woman by the arm. "Did the Messiah pass through?"  I asked.
"Oh yes," she said, "and healing the sick!  The blind are seeing and the deaf hearing.  But He may be gone by now."
I ran toward the Outer Gates and then I saw them.  I would have run immediately to Jesus but the crowd prevented me.
"Jesus!  Master!" I called.  And then, as though He recognized my voice, He stopped and turned toward me.  I fell at His feet, weeping.  He took my hand and lifted me up!
"Master," I said,  "I am one of the lepers from The Hill."
"I know," He said, "but where are the others?"
"I know not, Lord;  I only know I could not go back to my life, return to my home, without finding You and thanking You and offering my praise!"
(Song may follow, such as "To God Be the Glory" or "Forever Grateful.")
Copyright 2004 by Barbara Tarro, all rights reserved.
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