Show me the Wind

I can see
The wind bend the grass
The wind push the leaves

I can feel
The wind in my face
Blowing through the trees

But why
Can't I see the wind?
Can't I hold the breeze?

It's not enough to feel no more
It's not enough to trust
A force I can't see,
Nor taste nor touch

It used to be
It was before
Yet no longer,
No more

I don't know why
I'm now this way
But I can't go back
To before today

I ask just to know
I ask just to see

I'm shouting from a cliff
I'm screaming to the sky

Show me the wind...


(C) Copyright Adam 'Cyrik' Salken 2003, all rights reserved.
This poem may be used free of charge, on the condition that copies are not sold for profit in any medium, nor any entrance fee charged to a performance. In exchange, the author would appreciate being notified of any occasion the poem is used in public performance. He may be contacted at: