A Purpose-driven Christmas Carol

By Heather Cooper


A new take on the famous story by Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol". It keeps the flavour of the original, but looks at the story from the perspective of Rick Warren's "A Purpose-driven Life".


Ebenezer Scrooge
Fred (Scrooge's nephew)
Bob Cratchit
Tiny Tim (Bob's crippled son)
Clara (Cratchit's wife)
Julia (Clara's sister)
Topper (Julia's husband)
Fran (Scrooge's sister)
Belle (Scrooge's one-time fiancee)
Solicitors 1 and 2
Jacob Marley


Scene 1: Scrooge’s place of business.
(Scrooge is in inner office at his desk working. Cratchit is in his own area, trying to work and keep warm. Stops to warm hands over his candle. Scrooge clears his throat as a warning, and Cratchit quickly goes back to work. Enter Scrooge’s nephew, Fred)
Fred:  A Merry Christmas, uncle! God save you!
Scrooge: Bah! Humbug!
Fred:  Christmas a humbug, uncle? You don’t mean that, I’m sure!
Scrooge: I do! Merry Christmas! What right have you to be merry? You’re poor enough!
Fred:  Then what right have you to be dismal? You’re rich enough!
Scrooge: (At a loss.) Bah!….Humbug!
Fred:  Oh, don’t be cross, uncle.
Scrooge: What else can I be when I live in a world full of fools such as this? Merry Christmas, indeed! What’s Christmastime to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older, and not an hour richer. If I could work my will, every idiot who goes about with Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart! Much good Christmas has ever done you!
Fred:  I believe Christmas has done me a great deal of good, uncle, whether I have profited materially from it or not. When I think that the Creator of the Universe became a helpless babe on earth and gave His life as payment for my sins so that I can inherit eternal life, my whole being wants to celebrate and worship Him!
Cratchit: Amen. (Applauds – then stops suddenly at Scrooge’s dark look.)
Scrooge: Another sound from you, Cratchit, and you’ll celebrate Christmas by looking for a new position.
Fred: Don’t spend Christmas Day alone and miserable, Uncle Ebenezer. Come and dine with us.
Scrooge: I’m sure you don’t really mean that, nephew. I don’t need your charity. I shall be quite content on my own. Now you’ve done your good deed. Be off and good afternoon.
Fred: You won’t spoil my Christmas humour, uncle. The invitation was sincere. A Merry Christmas, uncle!
Scrooge:  Bah!
Fred:  (Puts head back around corner) And a Happy New Year!
Scrooge: Humbug! (Throws a ball of paper at Fred. Cratchit sees Fred out, exchanging Christmas greetings and lets 2 solicitors in. They enter Scrooge’s office, hats in hands.)
Solicitor 1: Scrooge and Marley’s, I believe. Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Scrooge or Mr. Marley?
Scrooge: Mr. Marley died seven years ago, this very night.
Solicitor 2: (Presenting his card.) We have no doubt his generosity is well represented by his surviving partner.
Scrooge: (Frowning.) What do you want?
Solicitor 1: At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge, it is more than usually desirable that we make some provision for the poor, who suffer greatly at this time.
Scrooge: Are there no prisons?
Solicitor 2: Oh, plenty of prisons!
Scrooge: And the workhouses. Are they still in operation?
Solicitor 2: They are. I wish I could say they were not!
Scrooge: I am glad to hear it.
Solicitor 1: A few of us businessmen are endeavoring to raise a fund to buy the poor some meat and drink, and a means of warmth at this time of year when want is so keenly felt. You have been blessed with so much. Why not use it to do some good in the world? What shall I put you down for? (Takes up pen.)
Scrooge: Nothing! I support the prisons and workhouses with my taxes. Let the idle poor go there!
Solicitor 2: Many would rather die!
Scrooge: If they would rather die, they had better do it and decrease the surplus population! Good afternoon, gentlemen!
(Solicitors leave hastily, shaking their heads. Scrooge goes back to work. Presently Bob glances at the clock, closes his ledger and stands before Scrooge, clearing his throat hesitantly.)
Scrooge: (Checking his pocket watch.) You’ll want the whole day off tomorrow, I suppose.
Cratchit: If quite convenient, sir.
Scrooge: It’s not convenient and it’s not fair. You’d think yourself ill used if I stopped your wages for the day, but you think nothing of having me pay a day’s wages for no work!
Cratchit: It’s only once a year, sir!
Scrooge: (Donning hat and coat.) A poor excuse for picking a man’s pocket every 25th of December. Very well, but be in all the earlier the next morning!
Cratchit:  I will, sir! Thank you, sir!
(Scrooge exits through door, stage right. Bob puts on muffler and hat, tosses key up, with a smile, and exits right through door.)
Scene 2:
(Scrooge enters, wearing nightshirt, robe and slippers, carrying a mug of gruel. Sits down in chair and spoons it up, shivering slightly. Puts down meal on table, picks up “photo” of a woman from the table and gazes at it. Puts it down with a sigh. Looks around as if bored or restless. Pulls out a money bag and starts to count money but then pushes it away. Gets up and goes to window and opens it. Hears passers-by greeting each other and laughing. Hears a choir singing a carol. Hears church bells and footsteps of those going to worship. Sighs and closes window. Goes to bed.)
Scene 3:
(Bedroom. Clock strikes 12. On last stroke, Scrooge rises out of bed but dummy remains in the bed. He hears a knock and goes to answer the door. Jacob Marley enters.)
Scrooge: Jacob! You’re alive!
Marley: I am only a dream, Ebenezer!
Scrooge: You are very real for a dream. (Shaking his hand.) Why are you here?
Marley: I have much to tell you, of great importance. Sit down, Scrooge. (Scrooge sits, in wonder. Marley sits in opposite chair.) You are not a happy man, my friend! You are miserable and you make all you come in contact with miserable as well.
Scrooge: Of course I’m happy, Jacob. I have my health and I’m very rich.
Marley: And what good does your wealth do you, Ebenezer? You don’t use it to do good! And you don’t make yourself comfortable with it. And when you die, you must leave it all behind. What is your purpose in life?
Scrooge: Why, uh……to……increase my holdings, I suppose.
Marley: And it never satisfies, does it, Scrooge? No matter how much you have, you always want more!
Scrooge: I have always set goals for myself and I have always been able to attain them. I have taken care of myself, been a burden to no one.
Marley: But why were you born? Why are you here on earth?
Scrooge: I’ve lived a disciplined life, Jacob. You know that. I’ve always aimed high and persisted until I’ve achieved my ambitions. Many would call me successful.
Marley: It’s not about you or your ambitions, Ebenezer. Being successful and fulfilling your life’s purpose are not at all the same issue! I have learned this lesson too late, Scrooge. I am here in this dream to warn you.
Scrooge: I’m quite happy with my life, thank you, Jacob.
Marley:  I don’t believe you are, Scrooge. You have no family, no friends, no faith. You are very cynical and restless. Your money doesn’t satisfy you, but in your quest to get it, you’ve shut out everyone and everything else.
Scrooge: Very well then, Marley. What is my purpose in life?
Marley: You were made by God and for God. You will discover your identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Seek to know Him, Ebenezer and you will find His purpose for you. Nothing is more important!
Scrooge: What are you trying to tell me, Jacob?
Marley: You will have five more dreams to reveal to you God’s purposes for your life.  Heed them well, Ebenezer.
Scrooge: Must I go through with this?
Marley: Only if you want to spend eternity in heaven, Scrooge. Now, go back to bed and wait for the first dream.
(Lights out.)
Scene 4:
(Scrooge is sitting in a church pew, in his nightshirt and robe. He self-consciously pulls his robe closer, looking to see if anyone has noticed his night clothes. Tiny Tim enters, using a crutch, and sits down beside Scrooge, giving him a tentative smile.)
Scrooge:  (Gruffly.) I know I must seem amusing to you, but I do not normally appear in public dressed like this.
Tiny Tim: Don’t worry, sir! He (pointing up), won’t mind, sir. He looks at what’s inside, not what's outside. I should know. (Taps his crutch.)
(The congregation rises for a Christmas Carol. Tim sings with an attitude of praise, his face shining. Sits at the end. Scrooge watches him with wonder.)
Scrooge: Excuse me, young man. I can’t help noticing that you seem…so…happy. Yet you are obviously crippled…and ill. And you are not well off. What gives you such joy?
Tiny Tim: I have so much to be grateful for. God has blessed me with a loving family, a warm home. And I have a Best Friend who I can trust completely. He loves me no matter what. And it’s Christmas – His birthday!
Scrooge: And who might this friend of yours be?
Tiny Tim: Why, Jesus, of course, sir! Do you know Him, too?
Scrooge: I, uh, well…not in the same way you do.
Tiny Tim: Oh, but He’s just waiting for you to be His friend, too. He loves you, sir!
Scrooge: How can you say that with such certainty? Didn’t He make you crippled and sick, and still you say He loves you?
Tiny Tim: Oh, I don’t mind that, sir. Especially if it helps others to know Jesus.
Scrooge: How do you mean?
Tiny Tim: Well, if people see that I’m a cripple, it might be pleasant for them to remember, on Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk and blind men see.
Scrooge: You are a remarkable boy!
Tiny Tim: Oh no, sir. I’m just an ordinary boy. But I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died to pay the penalty for my sins, so God has given me a new heart and a new life. He could do the same for you.
Scrooge: (To himself.) I don’t know. I’ve been like this for so long. It’s too late for me to change.
Tiny Tim: On, no, sir. It’s never too late. We were created to worship God and to give Him glory.
Tiny Tim smiles at Scrooge. He awkwardly rises to sing with the congregation: “O Come Let Us Adore Him” then exits limping slowly and painfully, still smiling broadly. Lights out.
Scene 5:
(Victorian parlour. Fred and his wife Clara, and 3 friends are celebrating after dinner. Scrooge finds himself hidden behind a curtain, listening in.)
Fred: Well, Clara, you’ve outdone yourself once again! A passable meal! (Teasing.)
Clara:  (Pouting.) Fred, you are heartless!
Topper: Do not listen to a word he says, Clara! The meal was superb! And I believe I am a qualified judge. (Patting his stomach.)
Fred: Come now, Topper. You are just an old bachelor. Any home-cooked meal seems superb to you!
Julia: Then I believe I could be deemed a qualified judge and I pronounce the dinner to be admirable!
Fred: As the sister of the cook, Julia, I believe you might be considered biased!
Clara:  (Laughing.) Well, it seems we need an impartial judge! It is too bad your Uncle Scrooge was unable to come, Fred. Even you would have to admit that he is not the least partial to me!
Fred: Ah, yes, Clara! I am indeed sorry that he missed an opportunity for some enjoyment and fellowship! But I do not stop praying that one day he will accept our invitations.
Julia: It’s so sad to think of him alone at this time of year. People are meant to be together.
Topper: He no doubt feels uncomfortable in the midst of a group of church-going Christians.
James: (Acting it out.) Perhaps he thinks we will circle and attack and hold him down until he becomes saved! (All laugh.)
Fred: (Smiles.) Still, I would ask all of you to pray for my Uncle Ebenezer, for his is a truly unhappy and bitter soul. God has worked many miracles in the past through prayer! And Uncle Scrooge needs to belong to the family of God he was created to be a part of.
Clara: James, your bit of mime has given me an idea! Let’s have charades!
(Topper, James and Julia all chime in with “hurray”, “charades”, and “oh, yes, let’s”, etc.)
Fred:    All right then, I have one.
(He mimes a chimney sweep with an old broom, then getting a new broom. Various guesses about the actions.)
Topper: Cleanliness is next to Godliness?
Julia:  The pot calling the kettle black?
(Scrooge emerges from behind the curtain, being drawn into the fun, forgetting his attire and his distaste for Christmas and starts to call out.)
Scrooge: (Shouting.) I have it, I have it! A new broom sweeps clean!
(The lights go out on the party [freezes] but the spot stays on Scrooge for a moment. He looks sad and lonely. Then spot goes out. Darkness.)
Scene 6:
(Lights come up on a dingy schoolroom, scraggly wreath in the window. A young Scrooge sits by the window reading. Looks out, waves at someone, hears “Merry Christmas, Ebenezer”. Sighs silently. Sits to read again. Old Scrooge watches the scene from stage left. Clock ticks. Suddenly the door springs open and a young Fanny comes running in to embrace him.)
Fanny: Dear, dear brother! I have come to bring you home.
Ebenezer: (Startled.) Home? What do you mean? What about father?
Fanny: Father is much kinder than he used to be, Ebenezer. He spoke to me so gently one night that I was not afraid to ask once more if you might come home.
Ebenezer: That was brave of you, Fanny.
Fanny: And he said you should, and sent me in a coach to bring you! You’re never to come back here.
Ebenezer: Never?
Fanny: No! And we’re to be together all the Christmas long and have the merriest time in the world! Isn’t it wonderful?
Ebenezer: (Turns away.) I don’t know, Fanny! Can I live in the same house as Father after all that’s happened?
Fanny: Father truly has changed.  You must find a way to forgive him, Ebenezer, like I have.
Ebenezer: I don’t know if I can be like you, Fanny.
(Light darkens on that scene. Spot stays on Scrooge, moving to center stage. Silently, a grown up Fanny enters to stand beside him. Scrooge turns around.)
Scrooge:  (In wonder.) Fanny, is it you? Alive?
Fanny: Dear Ebenezer! (Embraces him.)
Scrooge: Oh, Fan. How I’ve missed you! You were always there to rescue me! Always urging me on to better things!
Fanny: Let me look at you. (Holds him back at arm’s length. Changes to a concerned look.) Are you well, Ebenezer?
Scrooge: Why yes, Fanny, why?
Fanny: (Thoughtfully.) I don’t know, brother. You seem different than I remember. (Looks intently at him.) Rather hollow or…empty, I suppose.
Scrooge: (Pauses, struggling.) I would never admit this to anyone but you, Fan. Everything that once seemed so important to me has lost its appeal. It seems pointless to do the things I do. My life has no purpose. But you wouldn’t understand that, Fanny. You always appeared to me to have great purpose to your life. You grew kinder, more loving and patient as the years passed, no matter what trials life brought you. When you died after Fred was born, I thought I would perish from grief, so I wrapped myself even more completely in my business affairs.
Fanny: But it needn’t be this way, Ebenezer. There is hope. God’s will is that we grow to be like Christ and He uses the circumstances of our lives to change us! Dear brother, give Him the etching of your life and He will create a masterpiece with it!
Scrooge: If only I had the faith…(Fanny exits stage right.) Fan? Fanny, come back. Don’t leave so soon! Fanny!
(Lights out.)
Scene 7:
(Back in Scrooge’s office. Scrooge is at his desk, in his night clothes. Cratchit works away at his desk. Enter Solicitors 1 and 2 again. They nod to Bob Cratchit and go directly into Scrooge’s office.)
Solicitor 1: Good afternoon, Mr. Scrooge! We’ve come to offer you another opportunity to contribute to the fund for the needy.
Scrooge: Are you mad? What makes you think I would want to give now?
Solicitor 2: The Good Book says: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Solicitor 1: In other words, Mr. Scrooge, to find fulfillment in life, we need to discover the good works that God meant for us to do, and do them.
Scrooge:  I’m not sure I understand why you’re here, sirs.
Solicitor 2: We are businessmen like yourself, Scrooge. God has gifted us in monetary affairs. But it’s not hard to see that the treasures we store up on earth have limited usefulness when hoarded for ourselves.
Solicitor 1:  There is no security for one thing. Thieves, bad business deals, unexpected turns in investments – you never know what could happen.
Solicitor 2: Ultimately, what good will it do you? Money cannot buy good health, love, faith, family – all the things that really matter!
Solicitor 1: And when we die, what good will money do us then? So being the astute men of commerce that we are, we are storing up our treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Solicitor 2:  For where our treasure is, there our hearts will be, also.
Solicitor 1: In other words, Scrooge, earth is just a temporary assignment. It’s what comes after that we need to set our sights on.
Solicitor 2: Are you prepared, Scrooge? Have you invested in eternity?
Scrooge: I’ve never thought about it in those terms before, gentlemen. But how could God use someone like me?
Solicitor 1: There is no one else exactly like you, Scrooge. God has given you talents and gifts in a unique combination especially suited for the special jobs that He has in mind for you!
Scrooge: But I’m a busy man. I would never find time to do anything extra!
Solicitor 2: Mr. Cratchit, how much time do you spend working for Mr. Scrooge here?
Cratchit: Well, sir, six days a week, 10 hours a day, sir.
Solicitor 1: And do you have a family?
Cratchit: Yes, sir. A wife and five children sir.
Solicitor 2:   And they take up a lot of your time do they, Cratchit?
Cratchit: (Smiling.) Indeed they do, sir. Especially the youngest, sir, Tiny Tim, as he is a cripple and sickly, and in need of special care.
Solicitor 1: How is it then, Bob, that you still have time to help distribute to the poor the goods we purchase through our fund?
Cratchit: (Face lights up.) I’m so grateful to God for the blessings He’s given our family, that it seems the least I can do for Him. There are so many who are suffering and destitute. It feels so rewarding to lighten the burden they carry! It’s a priority, sir!
Solicitor 2: Thank you, Bob. (Cratchit goes back to work.)
Scrooge: Ahem! I see your point. (Aside.) I did not know that Bob was involved in charitable work or that he had such a large family. (Recognition dawns.) I wonder if the boy in the church….?
Solicitor 1: You’ll excuse me for saying it, Mr. Scrooge, but there’s not much of your life left! How will you invest it? Good day, sir.
(Solicitors exit leaving Scrooge deep in thought. Lights out.)
Scene 8:
(A mission…soup kitchen. Several derelicts sit around a table. Belle, dressed plainly, ladles soup into dishes, stopping to talk to different men and women, comforting, etc. Scrooge enters stage left and watches for a while, then peers at Belle more closely and recognition dawns. Scrooge moves forward tentatively.)
Scrooge: Belle….is that you?
Belle: (Stops, puts back the ladle, recognizes Scrooge with some shock. Walks toward him.) Ebenezer?
Scrooge: Belle! I never found out what had happened to you after….
Belle: Yes, I – I needed to get away from the world we lived in, to turn my life in a different direction.
Scrooge: To see you again – now – is such a shock! It brings back so many feelings! So many regrets….!
Belle: Do you now have regrets, Ebenezer? I often wondered if you would. I have never stopped praying for you.
Scrooge: After the shameful way I treated you, holding you to your promise, but never allowing you to fulfill it – you still pray for me?
Belle: I loved you, Ebenezer, but you loved another, a golden idol I could not compete with! It broke my heart to end our engagement, but I never stopped caring about you.
Scrooge: But what have you come to, Belle, living in this forsaken place? How could I have let this happen? How blind and callous could I have been? (Turns away.)
Belle: Ebenezer, I chose to obey God’s will and He led me here. I have been truly happy serving Him among these forgotten ones! They are so willing to hear the good news of His saving love. So many lives have been changed. (Looks back at the table lovingly.)
Scrooge: (Follows her eyes.) But I could have given you so much…Even now, I could. (Reaches for her hand.)
Belle: (Gently.) I don’t want it, Ebenezer. The Lord is my life, my love and doing His work is my passion. Helping others to know Jesus is the ultimate purpose of our lives.
Scrooge:  (Sitting down.) All I’ve done, all I’ve worked for, all the hours I’ve spent consumed with ambition…it’s all been worth nothing, hasn’t it? (Puts his head in his hands.)
Belle: Give it all to Him, to Jesus, Ebenezer. Only He can take it and make something of worth out of it.
Scrooge: How?
Belle: Just ask, Ebenezer. Jesus says: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” He’s knocking, Ebenezer. Will you open the door?
(Lights out.)
Scene 9:
(Back in Scrooge’s bedroom. He is alone in the bed. He’s murmuring, turning and tossing in his bed.)
Scrooge: Knocking! Knocking!
(There is a knock at the door. Scrooge sits up in bed, scrambles to the window and looks out.)
Scrooge: Hi, boy! Yes, you at the door! What day is it?
Boy’s voice: What day? Why, Christmas Day, of course!
Scrooge: Christmas Day! Praise be to God! I haven’t missed it!
Boy’s voice: Open the door, sir. I have a message from your nephew.
Scrooge: (Turning away from the window.) Open the door. Yes! Open the door! (Gets down on his knees by his bed.) My Dear God: I have made a pitiful mess of my life. I have squandered the precious time on earth that You have given me on things of no importance. I have treated those I loved with indifference and disdain, I have been unjust and uncompassionate. And worst of all, I have shut the door in Your face and refused to hear You knocking. Lord, I am deeply sorry for it all. And I open the door! I believe…I believe Jesus is Your Son and I believe He died for my sins, which are many. Come in, Lord give me a new heart! Make something of my life! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
(Scrooge slowly gets up and then begins to move giddily around the room.) I’m as light as a feather! I’m as joyful as an angel! I’m as merry as a schoolboy! I don’t know what to do first! (He picks up his old Bible and blows the dust off it. Opens it up. Then he puts it down.) I know…I’ll go to church. (He heads out the door, and then notices he’s in his nightclothes. He giggles.) Oh my! Look at me!! Hee hee! But He sees the inside, not the outside. (Looks up.) Still, I’d better dress. Ha ha! (Pulls off his nightcap, then pauses.) Wait a minute! (Goes to window.) Halloo – boy! Are you still there?
Boy’s voice: Yes sir! I’m still waiting!
Scrooge: Tell me, do you know the poulterer’s in the next street but one, at the corner?
Boy’s voice: I should hope I did.
Scrooge: An intelligent boy! A remarkable boy! Do you know whether they’ve sold the prize turkey that was hanging up there? – the big one?
Boy’s voice: What! The one as big as me?
Scrooge: What a delightful boy! Yes, my buck! Go and buy it and tell ‘em to bring it here, that I may tell ‘em where to take it. Come back with the man and I’ll give you a shilling. Come back with him in less than five minutes and I’ll give you half a Crown and a message to deliver to my nephew!
Boy’s voice: Yes sir!
Scrooge: I’ll send it to Bob Cratchit’s. (Rubs his hands.) He shan’t know who sent it! It’s twice the size of Tiny Tim!! Now, a message to Fred! (Scrooge gathers pen and paper.) Let me see…My Dear Fred: I hope you’ll forgive a foolish old man his folly. I have been profoundly wrong all these years. If you’ll still have me, I would dearly love to dine with you and Clara this evening. Humbly yours, Uncle Scrooge.
(Lights out.)
Scene 10:
(Scrooge’s office. Scrooge enters, glancing at clock. Rubs hands together gleefully.)
Scrooge: Good! I’ve beaten Cratchit! Ho ho! He’s late!! (Sits down and begins to work, has difficulty suppressing laughter. Enter Solicitor 1.) My good sir. The Lord must have brought you my way!
Solicitor 1: I was hoping to find a misplaced umbrella.
Scrooge: Allow me to ask your pardon. And will you have the goodness…(Whispers in the Solicitor’s ear.)
Solicitor 1: Lord bless me! My dear Mr. Scrooge, are you serious?
Scrooge: If you please. Not a farthing less. A great many back payments are included in it I assure you.
Solicitor 1: My dear sir, I don’t know what to say! Thank you! (Gets up to go.)
Scrooge: Don’t mention it. I thank God for the opportunity to serve. Good day, sir! (Scrooge sits again. Cratchit enters stealthily but quickly, getting to work furiously.) Bob Cratchit! What do you mean by coming at this hour?
Cratchit: I’m very sorry, sir. I am behind my time.
Scrooge: You are! Step this way, sir, if you please.
Cratchit: (Pleading.) It’s only once a year, sir. I was making rather merry yesterday, sir. (Moves slowly into Scrooge’s office.)
Scrooge:  I tell you what my friend. I am not going to stand this sort of thing any longer. And therefore…(Scrooge leaps down from his stool and pokes Bob.) I am about to raise your salary! (Laughs. Bob looks around for something to hit Scrooge with.) Merry Christmas, Bob. A merrier Christmas, Bob, my good fellow, than I have given you for many a year! (Enter colleague who witnesses this in wonder.) I’ll raise your salary and assist your struggling family, and we will discuss your affairs this very afternoon over a bowl of Christmas punch, Bob! Make up the fires and buy another coalscuttle before you dot another ‘i’ Bob Cratchit!
Cratchit: (Exits, smiling broadly.) Yes, sir, Mr. Scrooge, sir.
Colleague: (Adjusts his glasses.) Ebenezer Scrooge! Could that be you? It looks like you, but it doesn’t sound at all like you!
Scrooge: Come with me for some hot tea, my good man, and let me tell you what God has done for me.
(Exit. Lights out.)
Copyright Heather Cooper, all rights reserved.
This script may be used without royalty payment, provided no charge is made for entrance to the performance. In return for free use, the author would like to be told of any performance. She may be emailed at coopers@silk.net